Richard D. Batson, ND, MSc (Endo) Dipl(Endo)

Dr. Batson is a founder and president of the Endocrine & Brain Injury Research Alliance, SPC. His clinical practice focuses on traumatic brain injury evaluation and rehabilitation with a specialization in traumatic brain injury-related pituitary dysfunction. His postgraduate dissertation was on the topic of post-traumatic hypopituitarism (PTHP), also referred to as TBI-related neuroendocrine dysfunction, or TBI-related pituitary dysfunction. He is the executive director of Neurevolution Medicine PLLC, director of the Growth Hormone & IGF-1 Working Group, a research collaborator with the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) BIAFAC research group, a research investigator and the director of neurotrauma education for the Neurotrauma Evidence Synthesis Training (NEST) at the Helfgott Research Institute. In addition, he is an adjunct peer-reviewer for twelve internationally recognized endocrinology journals. 

Research Areas

Post-traumatic Growth Hormone Deficiency, Brain Injury Associated Fatigue & Altered Cognition (BIAFAC), IGF-1 Assays in Screening for Growth Hormone Deficiency, Quality of Life in Adult Growth  Hormone Deficiency with Recombinant Growth Hormone Treatment, Brain Fog, Cognition & the Microbiome, Convergence Insufficiency following Traumatic Brain Injury,  Post-traumatic Epilepsy, Critical Appraisal of Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Testosterone Deficiency in Adult Males, Multi-modal Neuroimaging in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.